Quite A Start To The Year For DBS Floors!

Investing In Our Equipment

During quarter one of 2018 we’ve continued growing as a business. The DBS Floors name is getting around the UK and we’re really pleased with the work we’ve been winning and the feedback we’ve received from our customers.

To ensure we can carry on delivering screed, polished concrete and industrial toppings to the high standards our clients expect, we’ve continued to invest in new equipment. We’re using a new power float and bull float for our concrete jobs and have also invested in a new diamond hand polisher for creating samples of polished concrete.

In addition, we have three new vans on the way to enhance our fleet. We’re hoping to get these professionally sign-written too, so keep your eyes peeled for DBS Floors out and about!

We’ve Picked Up Some Great Work

This year has been a very busy one so far, which is exactly the way we like it. We’ve worked on projects up North as far as Glasgow and down South as far as Devon. We’ve been winning work everywhere in between too!

Two of our favourite project wins have been right here, in the North West. Firstly, we’re excited to be starting work on Manchester Airport’s new terminal over the next few weeks. It’ll be a rewarding and high-profile project that we can’t wait to be involved with.

Another interesting project that we’ve secured locally will see us working on a brand-new, 90 apartment, building block based in Chorley.

Brand New Website And Extra Social Media Output

We’re very proud of the projects we’re working on at the moment and are keen to show off more of our finished work. That’s why we’re investing more time and money in to developing our online presence. Jordan has been keeping our Instagram and Facebook accounts up to date and we’d love it if more people started following.

Finally, we’re delighted to show off our brand-new website. We instructed the talented team at Shiny Creative to come up with a fresh look for our presence on the internet. They took control of both the design of the website and all the written content on it too, which made the whole process quick and stress-free. You can check out the new DBS Floors website by clicking here.

We needed a new website that was fully mobile responsive, well designed and with great written content to help move us up the search rankings. We’re really pleased with the new site and hope our existing and future customers like it too!

Three More Great Quarters Ahead!

With everything moving in the right direction, we’re looking forward to what the rest of 2018 has to offer. Keep your eye on the website for our latest blogs and also the social media accounts for details of our completed projects.

Whether you want to discuss screeding, polished concrete or industrial toppings, feel free to contact us to today on dbsfloors@live.com or ring Daniel (07770988382) or Jordan (07807772614).

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